Nina Clemens & Simon Darley Provided Specialised
Accounting & Taxation Services

Fast Efficient Processing of your Accounting & Taxation Work
Nina Clemens and Simon Darley will work directly face to face with you. We dont have staff, when you work with us, we work with you directly. We have combined experience in the accounting industry of over 50 years.
We are very good at what we do, we enjoy what we do and we value clients that accept our business lifestyle balance for a cost effective high value service.
We can assist with:
- Individual Tax Returns from $99
- Business and Entity accounting and taxation from $220
- Rental properties from $66
- GST/BAS/PAYGW monthly quarterly and annual from $88
- Asset protection and business structuring -ask
- Superannuation Funds – formed from $880
- Compliance and government regulatory authorities -ask
Remote Tax Returns
For FIFO/DIDO clients and with the advent of COVID pandemic;
We are able to prepare any tax returns for all clients electronically via email, phone and facetime, without the need to attend an in-person appointment.
MON: 9am -12pm, 1pm – 4pm
TUE: 9am -12pm, 1pm – 4pm
WED: 9am -12pm, 1pm – 4pm
THU: 9am -12pm, 1pm – 4pm
FRI: 9am -12pm
SAT: By Appointment
SUN: Reluctantly